Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FTC Supports NHTSA's Approach to Privacy in V2V Rulemaking

Last week, the FTC stated support for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (“NHTSA’s”) approach to privacy and data security within the NHTSA’s proposed regulation relating to vehicle-to-vehicle (“V2V”)…

FTC Continues Green Guides Enforcement with Warning Letters

Kelley Drye

The Federal Trade Commission announced this week that it recently sent warning letters to 15 marketers of plastic waste bags advertised as being “oxodegradable,” “oxo biodegradable,” or “biodegradable.”…

FTC Sends Warning Letters on Disclosures

This week, the FTC announced that the agency had sent warning letters to more than 60 companies — including 20 of the 100 largest advertisers in the country — addressing how the companies make disclosures in ads.…

FTC v. Bayer: The Good News

The Department of Justice recently filed a motion in federal court against Bayer Corporation over advertising for its probiotic supplement, Phillips’ Colon Health. The DOJ alleges that Bayer lacks the "competent and…

FTC Closes an Investigation Involving Reviews by Employees

In previous posts, we’ve noted that if a person who writes a review about a product has a connection to the company that makes the product, that connection should be clearly disclosed. The types of connections that…