Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

New Law Modernizes Warranty Obligations

We frequently help clients figure out how to deal with laws that are outdated, so it’s nice to see when one of those laws gets updated to reflect current technology. Last month, President Obama signed the E-Warranty…

Will the FTC Have Access to Your Electronic Communications?

Amending the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) has long been under consideration in Congress, but recent testimony indicates that ECPA reform may have deeper implications for companies subject to FTC…

“Green” Certifications and Seals Do Not Have FTC Approval

On September 14, FTC staff sent warning letters to five providers of environmental certification seals and 32 businesses that display them online, alerting them to the agency’s concerns that the seals may be deceptive…

FTC Announces Settlement Over Influencer Campaign for Xbox One

In January 2014, AdAge interviewed me about news reports that Machinima had hired influencers to create videos promoting Microsoft’s Xbox One gaming console and games. In a native advertising campaign, the influencers…

FTC as Data Security Cop Affirmed

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit this week affirmed the authority of the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC” or “Commission”) to enforce against companies that lack reasonable cybersecurity practices. Prior…