Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FTC’s “All Natural” Cases Are More About “All” Than “Natural”

Kelley Drye

The Federal Trade Commission announced last week filing of four consent decrees and an administrative complaint relating to companies selling various personal care products – shampoos, sunscreens, moisturizers –…

'Smart' Ways To Avoid FTC Internet Of Things Scrutiny

Connected devices have existed in the marketplace in one form or another for decades (think vending machines or weather sensors). Yet, a confluence of forces in recent years has helped spur a mass proliferation of…

Think Before You App: FTC Releases Compliance Tools for Health App Developers

Kelley Drye

The Federal Trade Commission furthered its outreach to the mobile app developer community last week by issuing new guidance for integrating privacy and security into mobile health apps, as well as an interactive online…

From Big Data to Bacon to Bots: Who will be Under FTC’s Watchful Eye Next?

Kelley Drye

At last week’s Strata + Hadoop Worldwide Big Data Conference those “in the know” about all things Silicon Valley prophesized that “data is the new bacon.” Witty comparisons aside, there is no question that big data…

No Free Passes: FTC Highlights Health Privacy in Congressional Testimony

Kelley Drye

In testimony to a Congressional subcommittee last week, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection Director, Jessica Rich, explained the Commission's efforts to protect consumers' health data and repeated the Commission's…