Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

What Covered Entities Should Know About the FTC Act and Their Obligations Beyond HIPAA

Kelley Drye

The Federal Trade Commission and Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR) recently announced the release of new guidance for businesses on the Health Insurance Portability and…

FTC Associate Director for Advertising Practices Elucidates the Commission's Handling of Referrals From NAD

The advertising industry’s self-regulatory system may be “voluntary,” but ignoring NAD’s recommendations—or declining to participate when asked—buys advertisers a prompt referral to the Federal Trade Commission. NAD…

FTC Announces Settlement of “Made in USA” Litigation

Kelley Drye

Earlier this week, the FTC announced settlement of one of the few “Made in USA” cases the agency has litigated in recent years. Earlier this year, we sent an update regarding the FTC’s lawsuit against Chemence, Inc.,…

2016 Advertising and Privacy Law Summit Attendee Follow up

As a follow up to Kelley Drye’s 4 th Annual Advertising and Privacy Law Summit, we are providing attendees with a copy of our desktop reference guide . The guide covers many of the topics discussed at the Summit,…

Senate Commerce Committee Members Air Laundry List of Pressing Issues Including Privacy, Data Security, and FTC Enforcement

On September 27 th, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation held a general oversight hearing of the FTC, which covered a multitude of major policy issues and included testimony from Chairwoman…