Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FTC and Six States Announce Settlement Over Fake Reviews and Claims

A year ago, the FTC and six states filed a lawsuit against Roomster and its owners, alleging that they had posted “tens of thousands of fake positive reviews to bolster their false claims that properties listed on…

Mounting Focus on Data Brokers: Is More Regulation Coming?

During the past year, there’s been a flurry of regulatory activity related to data brokers. Whether in Congress or state legislatures, at federal agencies or the White House, many policymakers are pushing in the…

The FTC Collaboration Act: Benefits for the Business Community

On October 10, 2022, the FTC Collaboration Act of 2021 became law. The Act’s stated purpose is to enhance cooperation between the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and state attorneys general (AGs) in combatting unfair…

FTC Warns That Deceptive AI Content Ownership Claims Violate the FTC Act

The buzz around generative AI has raised many IP-related questions, such as the legality of using IP to train AI algorithms or ownership of AI-generated content. But the FTC warns that claims about content ownership…

FTC Assesses Primary Purpose of Emails in CAN SPAM Enforcement

As most people know – either from professional or personal experience – the CAN SPAM Act requires companies who send “commercial” email messages to give consumers an opportunity to opt-out of receiving those messages…