Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Trump To Nominate Competition-Focused Simons for FTC Chair, CP-Focused Chopra for Commissioner; Reports of Phillips for Additional Seat

After months of speculation among the consumer protection and antitrust bars, Trump announced today his intention to nominate former Director of the Bureau of Competition and current Paul Weiss partner Joseph Simons as…

FTC’s “Made in USA” Enforcement On Pace With Prior Years

Kelley Drye

In a keynote address at the National Advertising Division conference earlier this month, Mary Engle, Associate Director in the Advertising Practices Division of the FTC, included “Made in USA” as among the agency’s…

Moonlight Slumber Says “Goodnight” to Misleading and Unsubstantiated “Organic” Advertising Claims After Settlement with FTC

In its first case challenging “organic” claims, the FTC announced a settlement with Moonlight Slumber, LLC resolving charges that the company misrepresented or could not support a variety of environmental and…

What Does Tweeeeeting Mean for Advertisers?

This week, the news broke that tweets are likely getting longer. Twitter plans to extend the maximum length of a tweet from 140 to 280 characters, and has already rolled this feature out to selected users. What are the…

FTC Takes Action Against Social Media Influencers

This morning, the FTC announced that it had reached a settlement in its first-ever complaint against individual social media influencers and that it had sent warning letters to other prominent influencers. In addition,…