Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Neora Prevails In Landmark Decision For Direct Selling Industry

Big, BIG win for the direct selling industry, as Judge Barbara Lynn (N.D. Texas) grants judgment for Neora, LLC (formerly Nerium) on all of the FTC’s claims, including that the company was operating an illegal pyramid…

FTC Confirmation Hearings Promise a Return to Bipartisanship

Those who were looking for big fireworks at yesterday’s confirmation hearings for three FTC Commissioners were likely disappointed by the relatively business-as-usual nature of the proceedings. Yes, certain Senators…

FTC Recommends Sharpening Blurred Lines When Advertising to Kids

In October, we posted about the FTC’s day-long workshop on “Protecting Kids from Stealth Advertising in Digital Media” and wondered what the FTC might be planning. Last week, we got an answer when the FTC released a…

Texas Court Puts Hold on CFPB’s Use of Unfairness Authority to Include “Discrimination”

As the Supreme Court deliberates over the Fifth Circuit’s ruling that the CFPB’s funding method is unconstitutional, another court in the Fifth Circuit dealt a blow to the CFPB’s aggressive agenda. On Friday, the…

Can’t Lie About Your AI: The FTC’s Most Recent Case with AI Allegations

The FTC is not holding its breath on whether Congress will enact AI legislation. Instead, as we have previously reported, the FTC is relying on its own toolkit and has warned businesses that false or unsubstantiated…