Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

What The FTC Said About Direct Selling In 2018

Earlier this year, the Federal Trade Commission released new business guidance for direct sellers and multilevel marketers describing the legal principles that it will apply when evaluating practices under the FTC Act.…

FTC Testimony Signals Possible Increase in “Made in USA” Advertising Scrutiny

Kelley Drye

On November 27, the FTC Commissioners testified on a range of issues before the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security. One excerpt that caught our attention was their…

FTC Settlement Addresses Influencers and Native Ads

Two companies and their principals have agreed to settle FTC allegations that they misled consumers by presenting paid endorsements as independent consumer reviews and ads as independent news stories. Creaxion, a PR…

Christine Wilson Sworn In as FTC Commissioner Following Maureen Ohlhausen’s Departure

Yesterday, Christine Wilson was sworn in as FTC Commissioner. Commissioner Wilson – the fifth and final Trump appointee – joins the FTC from Delta Airlines and assumes former Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen’s seat.…

FTC Hits Road Block in DIRECTV Advertising Case Seeking $3.95 Billion Remedy

The Northern District of California recently ruled on DIRECTV’s motion for judgment on partial findings in a case where the FTC is seeking $3.95 billion in damages. The FTC’s case alleges that DIRECTV engaged in…