Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Top 5 Tips for Avoiding “Made in USA” Enforcement in 2019

The FTC’s “ Hey Nineteen ” blog post caught our attention this past week, and not just for its witty title. One of those reasons is the reference to continued interest in “Made in USA” claims. As we’ve written about…

NAD Referrals To FTC: How Big Is That Stick?

The Federal Trade Commission has long supported advertising industry self-regulation as a means of promoting truthfulness and accuracy in advertising. One of the key aspects of this success has been threat of referral…

How the Government Shutdown Is Affecting Federal Agencies

While many today returned to work after the Holiday season, things remained quieter than usual here in the nation’s capital – with many federal workers furloughed until further notice as the federal government…

Third Party Complaints to the FTC: Do They Lead to Enforcement Action?

Last week, Gonzalo wrote about the letter Truth in Advertising sent to the FTC, urging the Commission to investigate Diageo’s use of influencers to market Ciroc vodka on Instagram. We also learned last week that the…

FTC Asked to Investigate Use of Influencers to Market Vodka

Earlier this week, Truth in Advertising (or “”) sent a letter to the FTC urging the Commission to investigate Diageo’s use of influencers to market Ciroc vodka on Instagram. According to the letter,…