Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FTC Nominee Lina Khan Sails through Committee with Bipartisan Support While Chopra Awaits Senate Vote for CFPB Director

The Senate Commerce Committee today voted overwhelmingly to move forward with Lina Khan’s nomination as FTC Commissioner, signaling that Khan is likely to ultimately be confirmed as the youngest Commissioner ever at…

FTC and Right to Repair

Companies watching the “right to repair” legislation proposed in some states should not lose sight of the federal landscape. Last week the FTC released a bipartisan report concluding that there is “scant evidence to…

Dietary Supplement and Personal Care Products Regulatory and Litigation Highlights – April 2021

Welcome to our monthly digest of litigation and regulatory highlights impacting the personal care product and dietary supplement industry. April saw a re-emphasis on restriction of COVID-related claims in…

Congressional Democrats Sound the Alarm, Rally In an Effort to Restore Pre-AMG 13(b) Enforcement Authority

Yesterday, less than a week after the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in AMG Capital Management v. FTC, two Congressional committees zeroed in on the FTC’s hollowed-out Section 13(b) authority, the fate of which…

Ninth Circuit Moves Quickly to Apply AMG

The 13(b) dominoes are beginning to fall. Last week, a unanimous AMG Court found that Section 13(b) does not allow for monetary remedies. A panel of the Ninth Circuit, in Federal Trade Commission v. Cardiff et al,…