Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

GLBA Safeguards Gets a Makeover: Why it Matters for Businesses with Customer Information

In a much-anticipated announcement last week, the FTC amended the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) Safeguards Rule, and proposed a further amendment requiring certain financial institutions to provide the FTC with notice…

Post-AMG Scorecard: The FTC Pivots to Other Statutory Bases for Monetary Relief

The Supreme Court in AMG foreclosed the FTC’s ability to pursue monetary remedies under Section 13(b) of the FTC Act. That, however, AMG has not stopped the FTC from pursuing monetary relief directly in court, while…

FTC to Increase Enforcement on Subscription Services

Earlier today, the FTC issued a policy statement warning marketers against using “dark patterns” to trick or trap consumers into subscription services. The statement is primarily intended to assist marketers by…

Next Up – Earnings Claims: Notice of Penalty Offenses Sent to 1,100 Direct Selling Companies and Others in the Gig Economy

In its third recent Penalty Offense Authority notice, the FTC today notified more than 1,100 companies offering “money-making opportunities” that it intends to pursue civil penalties of up to $43,792 per violation for…

Flexing the Agency’s Muscles: What FTC Notice of Penalty Offenses Really Means for Advertisers

Over the last ten days, 700 companies and 70 for-profit colleges received notice of the FTC’s intent to pursue civil penalties under Section 5(m)(1)(b), if these companies and colleges engage in certain conduct…