Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FTC Seeks Comments on Updates to Disclosure Guidelines

When a disclosure is necessary to prevent an ad from being misleading, the disclosure must be presented in a “clear and conspicuous” manner. Exactly what that means depends a lot on the context, but in order to give…

What the FTC’s Proposed Changes to its Endorsement Guides Suggest about Influencer Marketing

Last month, my colleagues posted about the FTC’s proposed changes to the Endorsement Guides. This post takes a closer look at how those proposed changes could impact influencer campaigns by answering five questions…

FTC Proposes Changes to Endorsement Guides with Expanded Liability and More Onerous Disclosure Requirements

In addition to announcing a new COPPA policy statement and related “crackdown” on children’s privacy issues (discussed here ) in its most recent open meeting, the FTC also proposed changes to the FTC’s Endorsement…

FTC Announces “Crack Down” on COPPA Violations by Ed Tech Companies

Amidst the rising focus on privacy issues affecting children and teens (which we’ve highlighted here, here, here, and here ), the FTC just released a new Policy Statement on COPPA, its signature rule protecting the…

Update: Chair Cantwell Introduces S. 4145, A One-Sided 13(b) Fix

On Wednesday, we described draft legislation circulating in the Senate Commerce Committee that would have given the Federal Trade Commission almost unfettered authority to enjoin permanently any act, practice or…