Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FTC Proposes to Regulate Virtually Every Labor Relationship in the United States

Last week, the Federal Trade Commission revealed what it meant when it vowed to be more than an antitrust and consumer protection agency. It announced a proposal to regulate virtually every labor and service…

Two Epic Cases from the FTC: Spotlight on COPPA, Unfairness, Teens, Dark Patterns, In-App Purchases, Cancellations, and More

Just in time for the holidays, the FTC has released two companion settlements resolving allegations that Epic Games (maker of the popular video game Fortnite) violated the Children’s Online Protection Act (COPPA) and…

Misguided: The FTC Attempts to Redefine the Law with its Health Products Compliance Guidance

Yesterday, the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection released its Health Products Compliance Guidance —a sweeping overhaul of the 1998 Guidance, Dietary Supplements: An Advertising Guide for Industry . Unlike the…

Tipping Point for State Attorneys General?

Earlier this month, we reported that the AGs (including the DC Attorney General’s Office) are paying close attention to delivery and service fees. Sure enough, the DC AG’s office filed yet another lawsuit related to…

FTC Starts Process of Updating Green Guides

Green marketing is very much in vogue, and so is suing companies over their green marketing. If you want to avoid those suits, you should generally start by looking at the FTC’s Green Guides. But a lot has changed…