Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Webinar Invitation: Surviving FTC’s Assault on Noncompetes

Join Kelley Drye in a discussion to explore how the FTC’s proposed ban may impact your company and get practical tips on how employers can prepare for a world with endangered noncompetes. We will cover the following…

The FTC’s Proposal to Ban Noncompetes is on Shaky Legal Ground

By now, most of our readers have likely heard about the FTC’s proposed rule to ban noncompete clauses in employment contracts, including from Kelley Drye’s other posts on the topic discussing the sheer breadth of the…

FTC Proposed Ban of Noncompetes: Practical Guidance For Employers

The Federal Trade Commission’s (“FTC”) proposed rule banning the use of non-competes with employees and workers could regulate nearly every employer in the nation. If a final rule emerges from this proposal it could…

Two Firsts for FTC Civil Penalty Enforcement: ROSCA for Automatic Renewals and Penalty Offense Authority for Money-Making Claims

On Friday, the FTC announced what would ordinarily be an unremarkable enforcement action against a company for unsubstantiated earnings claims. The FTC alleges that WealthPress, an investment advice company purporting…

Using Domestically Sourced Recycled Content? Look Beyond the Recycling Process before Claiming It’s “Made in USA”

We periodically stumble across older FTC investigations that have new relevance, and post about them as reminders. That happened recently as we get more questions about the use of recycled content and the desire to…