Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

New Law Governing Online Platforms And Sellers Takes Effect In June – Are You Ready?

On June 27, 2023, “online marketplaces” (i.e., online selling platforms like Amazon and EBay) will have some brand new obligations. So will many of the third party sellers that operate on these platforms. That’s…

FTC Attempts End Run to Ban Meta from “Monetizing” Minors’ Data

The FTC took unprecedented action yesterday when it moved to impose what it describes as a “blanket prohibition” preventing the company from monetizing young people’s data. The FTC contends that this prohibition is…

Chair Khan Faces Skeptical Appropriators - Controversial Initiatives Imperil Budget Increase

“ The FTC with a cavalier attitude is weighing in on areas that are outside its authority and deciding issues on subjective means…. I can’t support a massive increase for the Commission’s budget, especially given the…

FTC, CFPB, DOJ, and EEOC Pledge Increased Focus on Discrimination in AI

Artificial intelligence and algorithmic processes continue to remain at the top of federal law enforcement agencies’ agendas. Yesterday, the FTC, CFPB, DOJ, and EEOC issued a joint statement pledging to use their…

Overreach, Data Privacy & More: A Rundown of the Fiscal Year 2024 FTC Budget Hearing

On Tuesday April 18, FTC Chair Khan, and Commissioners Bedoya and Slaughter spent almost three hours responding to criticism and compliments before its House oversight panel. Only occasionally did the hearing cover…