Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Looking For Plausibility In FTC's Amgen Merger Challenge

Is FTC trying to revive the discredited P&G case? In the 60s the Commission blocked an acquisition because it would give the company a marketing advantage. Efficient marketing is good for companies and consumers. In…

Talking Trash at the FTC: Event Recap

This week, the FTC held its Talking Trash at the FTC workshop, a four-hour event intended to examine “recyclable” claims in ads. We’ve sifted through some of the trash and pulled out a few things worth noting. …

FTC Adopts Policy Statement on Biometric Data

During the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Open Meeting on May 18, the Commissioners unanimously voted to adopt the Policy Statement on Biometric Information and Section 5 of the FTC Act . The Policy Statement broadly…

Déjà vu: The 5th Circuit Hears Yet Another Challenge to Constitutionality of an Administrative Agency

In the past couple years, the Federal Trade Commission has gone 0 for 2 before the Supreme Court. In AMG, the Court found that Section 13(b) of the FTC Act does not provide the Commission with the authority to obtain…

The FTC is Not the Only One Tracking Your Use of Health Information

The FTC has made news recently with its recent enforcement activity regarding companies’ alleged disclosures of consumer health data, as detailed in our recent post FTC to Advertisers: We’re tracking Your Use of Health…