Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

FDA and FTC Joint Warning Letters Target Amazon Affiliates Making False COVID-19 Claims

Kelley Drye

Earlier this week, federal regulators continued their efforts to combat the spread of products featuring allegedly false and misleading claims that products can diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent COVID-19. In warning…

Sugar Content Representations Not Misleading When Ingredient Panel Provides Accurate Disclosures, Eastern District of New York Court Finds

Lawsuits challenging the advertising and labeling of sugar content – and corresponding representations that a food product may be healthy or wholesome – have become ubiquitous in the class action world. Yet, a growing…

Pain Point: FTC Settles With Pain Relief Marketer For $4 Million

Kelley Drye

The FTC announced a settlement with NeuroMetrix, Inc., and its CEO, Shai Gozani, relative to allegations that the marketers made deceptive pain relief claims on a medical device called Quell. Quell is an FDA-cleared…

FTC Settles With Pain Relief Marketer For $4 Million

Kelley Drye

The FTC announced a settlement with NeuroMetrix, Inc., and its CEO, Shai Gozani, relative to allegations that the marketers made deceptive pain relief claims on a medical device called Quell. Quell is an FDA-cleared…

BodyArmor targeted in putative class action alleging the drink’s advertising misleads consumers as to its health benefits, continuing a trend

The plaintiffs’ class action bar continues to target “healthy” advertising claims made by food and beverage companies by bringing expensive class action lawsuits against the companies. The latest company forced to…