Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Food + Personal Care Product Litigation and Regulatory Highlights – February 2023

This past week, the internet lit up over whether it was okay for President Biden and the First Lady to order the same dish at the Red Hen. In this issue, we invite you to read the February highlights on clean labeling…

Food + Personal Care Industry Insights – January 2023

Kelley Drye

Welcome to the 2023 inaugural issue of our newsletter, where we explore litigation and regulatory trends and developments from around the food, dietary supplement, and personal care industries. Like most everybody…

Beverage Makers Served A Reminder By Kombucha False Advertising Case

Anyone who has strolled the supermarket alcohol aisle in recent months may fairly stand in awe of the proliferation of boozy and not-so-boozy drinks in pretty packages, with small cans and pastel colors making it…

FDA and CDC Agree to Partner to Reduce Foodborne Illness in Retail and Foodservice Establishments

Kelley Drye

On October 4 th, the FDA and CDC announced that the agencies have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, renewing their collaboration to reduce the occurrence of foodborne illness in retail and foodservice…

FDA Proposes New “Healthy” Definition As Part of Comprehensive Biden Administration Nutrition and Health Initiatives

Earlier this week, as part of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, President Biden announced a goal of ending hunger and increasing healthy eating and physical activity by 2030 so fewer…