Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Price Gouging Enforcement Escalates At Federal and State Levels

Kelley Drye

As a follow-up to our recent posts on price gouging (see here, here, and here ), we noted recent signs that federal and state authorities have escalated their enforcement efforts. On Monday, the President signed…

Telemarketing During the Pandemic

Over the past few weeks, my colleagues have discussed some of the considerations for marketing around COVID-19, including claim substantiation and price gouging . In the next few posts, we are going to take a deeper…

Retailers Should Keep Price Gouging Laws in Mind

If you’ve been shopping lately, it’s likely that you’ve encountered empty shelves and shortages of items, such as (for inexplicable reasons) toilet paper. This tends to happen whenever a disaster – whether that’s a…

Coronavirus Advertising-Related Enforcement is Ongoing

Kelley Drye

This post updates an earlier post relating to marketing around the coronavirus. We noted a couple news items this week that help add context to the pervasiveness of and risks related to price gouging enforcement. In…

Do Your Sponsorship Agreements Address Event Cancellation?

Over the past few weeks, a number of organizations have announced their plans to cancel conferences, festivals, and other events over fears about spreading the coronavirus. Undoubtedly, the companies who’ve paid to…