Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Senate Republicans Release COVID-19 Privacy Bill

In light of concerns associated with attempts to use personal data to track the spread of COVID-19, a group of Republican Senators, led by Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker, introduced the COVID-19 Consumer Data…

Ad Law Access Podcast: Health Claims in the Context of COVID-19

Kelley Drye

The FTC recently sent warning letters to companies for falsely claiming that their products can treat or prevent COVID-19. The latest episode of the Ad Law Access Podcast discusses the importance of keeping the…

FTC Sends Warning Letters to Ten MLMs about COVID-related Product and Earnings Claims

Last week, the FTC sent warning letters to ten multi-level marketing companies alleging that the companies failed to stop their participants from making deceptive product and earnings claims related to COVID-19. The…

Finding Fevers: FDA Relaxes Rules On Temperature-Detecting Cameras

Kelley Drye

As business people, airport management, and event hosts everywhere try to figure out how they can return to business as usual, many are considering telethermographic device systems. These are cameras that can detect…

Ad Law Access Podcast: Price Gouging

As COVID-19 continues to dominant the news and the effects sweep across the country and globe, one of the important issues that directly affects companies and consumers alike is price gouging. In fact, the AGs in 32…