Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Tackling the Privacy, Data Security, and Employment Issues Related to Returning to Work

Coronavirus testing and screening procedures are central to many companies’ return-to-work plans. Because testing and screening data is often sensitive and may help to determine whether individuals are allowed to…

EPA Issues Consumer Advisory on Products Claiming to Kill Coronavirus

EPA issued another in a series of recent advisories aiming to clarify for consumers and companies what they need to know about disinfectant products claiming to kill the coronavirus . EPA is actively investigating the…

FDA and FTC Joint Warning Letters Target Amazon Affiliates Making False COVID-19 Claims

Kelley Drye

Earlier this week, federal regulators continued their efforts to combat the spread of products featuring allegedly false and misleading claims that products can diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent COVID-19. In warning…

Democrats Release Their Own COVID-19 Privacy Legislation

Following the Republican-sponsored COVID-19 Consumer Data Protection Act of 2019, Democratic legislators recently introduced the Public Health Emergency Privacy Act . Senators Richard Blumenthal and Mark Warner of…

As the Spread of Coronavirus Slows, a Contagion of Class Actions Has Only Begun

Companies continue to reel from business disruptions caused by the spread of coronavirus, and in many cases have struggled to navigate the swiftly changing landscape in which they are required to operate (or not…