Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

CPSC Maxes Out and Obtains Record $15.45 Million Civil Penalty

Good Friday was not so good for Gree Electric Appliances, Inc., because the CPSC announced that it had reached a record-setting $15.45 million settlement with the company regarding dehumidifiers it manufactured…

CPSC Representatives Lay Out Active Agenda

At the International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization (ICPHSO) conference in D.C. last week, Chairman Elliot Kaye and other CPSC representatives raised eyebrows with an active agenda, which included…

Selling Hoverboards This Holiday Season? Tips To Stay Off The CPSC’s Naughty List

Hoverboards have skyrocketed as a top gift this holiday season, dominating retail shelves and website banners. Many manufacturers make the products, at a range of price points. If your company is selling these…

Consumer Product Safety Commission Approves Test Program: Electronic Filing of Certificates of Compliance

This week the Consumer Product Safety Commission voted to approve a test program to assess the electronic filing of certificates of compliance at entry in coordination with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. With the…

Health Canada Releases Guidance for Industry on Its Reporting Obligations

Recently, Health Canada released guidance to help companies understand their reporting obligations under section 14 of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act, which requires that sellers, distributors, importers, and…