Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Ad Law Access Podcast - Health Claims 101: Key Considerations For Making Compliant Health Claims

Kelley Drye

The latest episode of the Ad Law Access Podcast discusses three keys to making compliant health claims: determining the product regulatory classification, claim substantiation standards, and the importance of…

FDA and FTC Joint Warning Letters Target Amazon Affiliates Making False COVID-19 Claims

Kelley Drye

Earlier this week, federal regulators continued their efforts to combat the spread of products featuring allegedly false and misleading claims that products can diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent COVID-19. In warning…

Ad Law Access Podcast: Health Claims in the Context of COVID-19

Kelley Drye

The FTC recently sent warning letters to companies for falsely claiming that their products can treat or prevent COVID-19. The latest episode of the Ad Law Access Podcast discusses the importance of keeping the…

Earth Day 2020: Fashion Brands Continue Focus on Green Marketing

To celebrate the 50 th Anniversary of Earth Day this week, we look at the increasingly pressing topic of green marketing in the fashion industry. Recent studies have shown that environmentally conscious consumers…

Sugar Content Representations Not Misleading When Ingredient Panel Provides Accurate Disclosures, Eastern District of New York Court Finds

Lawsuits challenging the advertising and labeling of sugar content – and corresponding representations that a food product may be healthy or wholesome – have become ubiquitous in the class action world. Yet, a growing…