Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Briefing with the State Enforcers: From the ABA Virtual Antitrust Spring Meeting

Bill MacLeod and other panelists representing antitrust and consumer protection bureaus from across the country discussed recent enforcement activities and the ongoing missions of state enforcement agencies during the…

Christine Wilson Sworn In as FTC Commissioner Following Maureen Ohlhausen’s Departure

Yesterday, Christine Wilson was sworn in as FTC Commissioner. Commissioner Wilson – the fifth and final Trump appointee – joins the FTC from Delta Airlines and assumes former Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen’s seat.…

House Antitrust Subcommittee Explores the Role of Antitrust Law in Net Neutrality

On November 1, 2017 the House Antitrust Law Subcommittee held a hearing to discuss the role of federal agencies in preserving an open Internet. The core question discussed at the hearing was whether current antitrust…

Trump To Nominate Competition-Focused Simons for FTC Chair, CP-Focused Chopra for Commissioner; Reports of Phillips for Additional Seat

After months of speculation among the consumer protection and antitrust bars, Trump announced today his intention to nominate former Director of the Bureau of Competition and current Paul Weiss partner Joseph Simons as…

Ad Law News and Views Newsletter

["Did you know Kelley Drye’s Advertising Law<\/a> practice produces a newsletter, Ad Law News and Views,<\/em> every two weeks to help you stay current on ad law and privacy matters? Click here to access our …