Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Lessons on Sponsorship Agreements from an Unusual Place

Some have called Joey Chestnut an “American hero” for his historic achievements. By “some,” I mean the Major League Eating organization. And by “historic achievements,” I mean eating 76 hot dogs and buns in ten minutes…

Promotions Lessons from the My Pillow Guy

Mike Lindell – the “My Pillow Guy” – makes pillows that are soft to touch and claims that are hard to prove. In 2021, Lindell announced that he had compiled evidence demonstrating that China had interfered in the 2020…

Mars Sues Agency Over Breach of Exclusivity Provisions

Negotiating exclusivity provisions in agency agreements can often be difficult. Companies want to broadly prevent agencies from working for competitors, while agencies are reluctant to cut off other sources of work. In…

CFPB Tackles Fine Print in Consumer Financial Contracts

Downloading an app, buying a product or service, or otherwise interacting with a company frequently requires consumers to consent to multi-page contracts. In a new proposed rule, the CFPB would require nonbank…

Thirsty World Cup Fans Serve Up Reminder About Sponsorship Agreements

This week, the World Cup kicked off amidst cheers and chants from the fans who had made their way to Qatar to watch the games. Although most fans chanted in support of their teams, Ecuadorean fans in one section of Al…