Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Second Circuit Reverses the Commission and Orders Dismissal on 1-800-Contacts

The Decision 1-800-Contacts is one of the largest sellers of contacts online. One of the principal ways consumers shop for contacts is through key word searches. In the past, certain 1-800-Contacts competitors…

FTC Continues Push for Civil Penalties with Important Implications for Financial Institutions and MLMs

The FTC yesterday took two actions that on their face seemed part of the regular course, but that could signal notable changes for financial institutions and multi-level marketing companies. First, the FTC filed an…

Deepfake Best Practices Amid Developing Legal Practices

Deepfake technology has significantly improved over the past few years, allowing for mainstream commercial uses. Deepfake technology is the use of synthetic image, video, or audio. While there are good uses such as…

CARU Previews Changes, Calls for Diversity in Ads

The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (or “CARU”) has guidelines that apply to ads directed to children who are under 12 years old. A lot has changed since the guidelines were last updated in 2006, and CARU recently…

What’s Next Following Enactment of Maryland’s Advertising Tax?

On February 12, 2021, the General Assembly of the State of Maryland enacted legislation imposing the Digital Advertising Gross Revenues Tax, overriding a prior veto of the legislation by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan.…