Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

What Rulemaking is the FTC planning for 2022? Now We Know

After months of speculation, we now know what rules the FTC will launch or possibly amend in 2022, thanks to a Statement of Regulatory Priorities the FTC published December 9. The headlines? In addition to reviewing…

Some fireworks at Bedoya’s Senate confirmation hearing, but confirmation still seems likely

On November 17, the Senate Commerce Committee held its eagerly-awaited hearing on the nomination of Alvaro Bedoya, a data privacy academic from Georgetown Law, to be FTC Commissioner. Bedoya is slated to replace Rohit…

FTC Chair Khan Unveils Her Plans for the Agency…But Leaves a Lot Unsaid

On Wednesday, FTC Chair Lina Khan sent a memo to FTC staff and Commissioners making her Acting Bureau Directors permanent and outlining her vision and priorities for the FTC. The memo provides much-anticipated guidance…

What a Difference a Decade Makes: The Future of Advertising

Over the past ten years, new technologies have forced a dizzying pace of evolution in advertising and marketing. All of this change begs the question: what will the next ten years bring? How will AI eliminate…

CARU Announces Changes to Guidelines for 2022

In February, we posted that the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (or “CARU”) was in the process of updating its Guidelines for ads directed to children. The Guidelines had last been updated in 2006, and advertisers…