Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

“Natural” Class Action Against Dietary Supplements

Compared to conventional foods, which have been barraged with class action suits over “natural” claims, dietary supplements have not been hard hit. Late last month, however, a plaintiff filed suit against Hammer…

Ravioli Trees and Tortellini Bushes: What is Considered a “Natural” Food?

A new article published by the Food and Drug Policy Forum " Ravioli Trees and Tortellini Bushes: What Should Courts Expect from the Reasonable Consumer When it Comes to "Natural" Claims?'" discusses how in recent…

Audio Conference Event: Tips for Reducing Class Action Litigation Risk following Regulatory Enforcement

Kelley Drye

The number of consumer class actions filed following regulatory enforcement by the FTC, FDA, or NAD have skyrocketed in recent years. Consumer products companies – particularly food, dietary supplement, and cosmetic…

In A Culture Of Instant Gratification, Court Tosses Class Action Regarding Availability of Certain Product Features

On January 29, a California federal judge tossed a putative class action claiming the makers of video game blockbuster “Grand Theft Auto V” misled gamers by marketing online features that weren’t immediately ready,…

In Pricing Case, California Court Determines Meaning of "Free" Shipping

In the case described in the post yesterday, the plaintiff also argued that Overstock’s representations that shipping was “free” or “only $2.95” violated California’s False Advertising Law because the…