Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Advertising and Privacy Law Workshop: Charlotte Edition

Please join us on May 1 in Charlotte for a half-day workshop covering the latest advertising and privacy law developments. This interactive event will provide an update on crucial consumer protection issues, deliver…

Supreme Court Reverses Google Settlement But Ducks Ruling on Its Fairness

In February 2018, I reported on a 20-state objection brief, filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the Court to reverse the approval of the class action settlement in Gaos v. Google. That deal would have distributed…

When Plaintiffs’ Class Counsel Face The Music

Last week, in Cline v. Touchtunes Music Corp., No. 18-1756, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Manhattan district judge’s decision to approve a low-cost class action settlement in what the judge termed a…

FTC Can't Challenge Prior Acts in Federal Court Says Third Circuit

In a decision that will limit the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) ability in both consumer protection and antitrust matters to bring certain claims in federal court, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals held in FTC v.…

CA Court Considers When Disclosures Can Modify Claims

Pop quiz: If you purchased a bottle of “One A Day” gummy vitamins, would you: (a) assume that you should take one a day; or (b) check the back of the label to figure out how many you should take? If you answered (a),…