Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

NAD Decision Addresses Promotional Pricing

We’ve posted several entries about lawsuits involving continuous sales and promotional pricing. (Click here and here, for examples.) This week, the NAD announced a decision involving similar issues. Lowes frequently…

NAD Recommends an Advertiser Modify its Green Claims

Last month, the FTC issued a revised version of their Green Guides and a warning that they would closely scrutinize environmental claims. If you think the odds that the FTC will find your claims is low, you should…

Questions and Answers on Advertising Law

Over the past year, several companies have entered into high-profile settlements with the FTC over allegations that their products didn’t work as advertised. For example, Skechers agreed to pay $40 million to settle…

FTC Settlement Targets Web-Tracking Company

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that Compete Inc., a web analytics company, agreed to settle allegations that it engaged in unfair and deceptive practices by collecting personal data without disclosing the…

New York AG Issues Best Practices for Cause Marketing

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so pink adorns store shelves, NFL players and coaches, and even the White House (for a night). To help support awareness, marketers often sell specially-marked products and donate a…