Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Contributory False Advertising Liability Is Officially a Thing in the Eleventh Circuit

On August 7, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, ruling on a question that the Court determined to be one of first impression, has ruled that a cause of action for contributory false advertising can be maintained…

DirecTV's Rob Lowe Ads Found to be Misleading

Last week, we posted about the FDA’s objections to Kim Kardashian's promotion of a morning sickness drug on social media. In our effort to keep you up-to-date on celebrity advertising law issues, this week we turn our…

FDA Recalls Kim Kardashian’s Post

Last month, Kim Kardashian praised Diclegis, a drug for morning sickness, on her social media accounts. Since Kim doesn’t follow us on social media, we don’t always keep tabs on her. But when her posts raise regulatory…

New NAD Decision Addresses Crowdsourced Reviews

The NAD recently determined that Euro-Pro could not support a claim that its Shark vacuum receives “more 5-star online reviews than any other vacuum brand.” To support the claim, Euro-Pro had looked at over 4,000…

Who’s Watching Dietary Supplement Advertising? Everybody!

For several years now, dietary supplement advertising has been squarely on the radar of the FTC, state regulators, self-regulators, and last but never least, plaintiff’s lawyers. A recent FTC settlement with the makers…