Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Class Actions Under New Jersey Warranty Law Threaten to Turn Terms-of-Service Boilerplate Into Big Potential Risks

Do your Terms of Service preclude litigants from claiming consequential damages or attorneys’ fees? If new class action lawsuits in New Jersey are right, merely including these terms, and potentially many other…

Never Say Never, And Other Lessons from Kanye

We didn’t comment when Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards. And we’ve stayed silent during his other controversies. But when Kanye gets sued over false advertising, we can stay silent no…

From Big Data to Bacon to Bots: Who will be Under FTC’s Watchful Eye Next?

Kelley Drye

At last week’s Strata + Hadoop Worldwide Big Data Conference those “in the know” about all things Silicon Valley prophesized that “data is the new bacon.” Witty comparisons aside, there is no question that big data…

Coca-Cola Wrings the Last Drops out of POM’s False Advertising Litigation Campaign

Seven crops of pomegranates (and other fruits) have grown, ripened, been picked, pulped and processed. A river of juice has flowed. After seven years of litigation, the last overripe fruit of the Lanham Act campaign…

Can You Hear Me Now? Audio Snooping Triggers FTC Warning to Mobile App Developers

This week, a dozen mobile app developers received warning letters from the FTC concerning audio monitoring software used in their apps, but not clearly disclosed to consumers. The app developers allegedly used…