Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

2016 Advertising and Privacy Law Summit Attendee Follow up

As a follow up to Kelley Drye’s 4 th Annual Advertising and Privacy Law Summit, we are providing attendees with a copy of our desktop reference guide . The guide covers many of the topics discussed at the Summit,…

Caution with Hyperlinks and Info-Hovers: Court Denies DIRECTV’S Motion for Partial Summary Judgment

Are hyperlinked and hovering disclosures enough to adequately inform consumers about the terms of your offer? Is requiring consumers to click on a button to accept all terms and conditions enough to obtain their…

Beyond “Clear and Conspicuous”: FTC Workshop Highlights Issues Related to Testing of Consumer Disclosures

On advertisements, websites, and legal documents, disclosures are everywhere. But how do consumers notice, understand, and use disclosures in their decision-making? And how can businesses and advertisers effectively…

Rio, Swimming, Lies, and Morals Clauses

This week, four companies announced that they were cutting ties with Ryan Lochte after the swimmer admitted to lying about being robbed at gunpoint during the Olympics. Speedo, for example, said that although they…

Consumer Group Questions Kardashian Posts

On Monday, a consumer advocacy group announced that it had sent a letter to the Kardashian-Jenner family challenging how the sisters promote products on Instagram. The group contends that the sisters have engaged…