Ad Law Access

Updates on advertising law and privacy law trends, issues, and developments

Pushing the Limits: Preliminary Settlement Entered in Case Against Banana Republic and The Gap after California Court of Appeals Failed to Find Limits on Injury

On January 14, Plaintiffs in the consolidated case of Veera v. Banana Republic, LLC, et al., filed for approval of a preliminary class action settlement after Plaintiffs Veera and Etman successfully argued that…

DC Enacts Law Governing Automatic Renewals

Subscription plans that automatically renew at the end of a term are becoming more popular with companies. They’re also getting more scrutiny from regulators. As we’ve posted before, some states regulate how these…

An Ingredient for Failure In “Reasonable Consumer” False Advertising Cases

Defendants have had a nice run recently in winning pleading-stage dismissal of “reasonable consumer” false advertising cases. That run came to an end yesterday, however, when the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New…

CA Court Considers When Disclosures Can Modify Claims

Pop quiz: If you purchased a bottle of “One A Day” gummy vitamins, would you: (a) assume that you should take one a day; or (b) check the back of the label to figure out how many you should take? If you answered (a),…

Eggs-aggeration: Goop Settles With California District Attorneys Over Misleading Health Claims

Kelley Drye

The California Food, Drug, and Medical Device Task Force announced a settlement this week with Goop, the lifestyle brand founded by Gwyneth Paltrow, which we’ve written about here and here . The complaint alleges that…