Beth Bolen Chun

Special Counsel

Phone number
(202) 342-8671

When consumer protection investigations and actions by State AGs threaten her clients’ business, Beth Chun offers practical advice that allows them to mount a strong defense, defuse risks to their business, and achieve compliance.

With perspective honed by almost a decade working in the Consumer Protection Division of the Texas AG’s office, Beth helps clients respond to consumer complaints, inquiries, Civil Investigative Demands, and subpoenas.

During her time in the Texas AG’s office, Beth investigated and prosecuted violations of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act and other state and federal consumer protection laws. Beth led multi-state investigations into national corporations, acting as principal drafter, and served as representative in negotiations for Texas and other participating states. She also co-chaired the states’ CAFA working group, reviewing class actions for fairness and potential impact on government enforcement.

In her role as the supervisor of the Consumer Protection Division’s intake and complaint team, Beth routinely identified potential enforcement cases for the Texas AG. This experience allows her to effectively respond and warn her clients of legal risks as she reviews, summarizes, and analyzes consumer complaints and marketing materials.

With significant experience in state automatic renewal investigations and marketing compliance, Beth advises clients on AG priorities, navigates complex consumer protection investigations, and finds solutions that minimize disruption to her clients’ business.

Beth’s practice encompasses marketing and advertising, privacy and data security, and other general consumer protection matters. She works across a variety of business sectors, including, financial services, health care, media, real estate, retail, software, and technology.

Lead counsel in Texas investigation into leading digital and mobile payment processing corporation regarding alleged violations of the DTPA related to its app’s security and privacy disclosures, resulting in Assurance of Voluntary Compliance and payment of $175,000 to the State.

As lead counsel for Texas and executive committee member, participated in crafting of $113 million settlement resolving 33 states’ investigation into battery and software disclosure issues for one of the leading smartphone manufacturers.

Lead counsel in Texas investigation into tourism website deceptively charging additional fees for tickets to national monuments, resulting in Agreed Judgment, $125,000 in attorneys’ fees and restitution to Texas consumers.

Lead counsel in Texas investigation into app developer’s violations of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, concluding with Assurance of Voluntary Compliance requiring compliance with federal law and payment.

Lead counsel in Texas investigation into a tech support software scam, resulting in an Agreed Judgment and payment to the State.

Lead counsel in Texas action against a premium text message service company engaged in wireless cramming, resulting in an Agreed Judgment and payment of $325,000 to the State.

As co-counsel and executive committee member, participated in drafting and negotiation of settlements resolving fifty states and federal regulators’ investigations of four major wireless carriers’ roles in facilitating wireless cramming, helping to obtain over $300 million total in restitution to consumers and payments to state and federal agencies.