Alex J. Seidenberg

Senior Associate

New York
Phone number
(212) 808-7716

Alex Seidenberg’s practice focuses on all aspects of labor and employment law, including workplace litigation, disputes and counseling. Drawing from experience as a former plaintiff-side employment litigator, Alex offers a distinctive viewpoint and strategy for resolving disputes and negotiations, effectively pinpointing any vulnerabilities.

Alex defends employers in single plaintiff and class action matters involving discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and wage-hour claims in federal and state courts, administrative agencies and before arbitration panels. Alex has also prosecuted and defended actions involving breach of non-competition and non-solicitation agreements, misappropriation of trade secrets and confidential information, tortious interference with contract, and related business claims. Alex is particularly experienced at litigating arbitration matters on behalf of Wall Street executives and financial institutions in FINRA, AAA and JAMS.

Alex counsels employers on performance management, terminations, reduction-in-force, WARN Act and other compliance issues. He also conducts audits, internal investigations and negotiates employment and separation agreements. Alex has extensive experience assisting startup companies navigate all aspects of employee growth and expansion.

During law school, Alex worked for the EEOC in the Office of the General Counsel, Appellate Services Unit.