It’s Relevant Stamford and The Stamford Daily Voice Noted Kelley Drye’s Participation in 13th Annual Business to Books” Read-A-Thon

Kelley Drye is mentioned as a participant in the 13th annual Business to Books” read-a-thon of The Volunteer Center of United Way of Western Connecticut in the It’s Relevant Stamford article, Business to Books” Read-a-thon Returns to Local Schools” and The Stamford Daily Voice article, Volunteers Tell Tales, Share Stories In Stamford Elementary Schools.” The read-a-thon is a volunteer effort that brings businesses to schools as a way to give back and promote literacy. This spring, volunteers from Kelley Drye and 15 other businesses will read to 3,000 students in 12 public elementary schools.

To read the full It’s Relevant Stamford article, please click here. To read the full article from The Stamford Daily Voice, please click here