American Recycler Quotes Partner Wayne D’Angelo on the Slow Down to Get Around Law

Partner Wayne D’Angelo was quoted in the American Recycler article Ongoing Safety Initiatives in the Waste and Recycling Arena.” The article discusses safety initiatives and the Slow Down to Get Around law that Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe signed into law in 2015. My home state of Virginia, recently passed a lane traffic law requiring drivers to reduce speed before passing sanitation trucks,” said Wayne. Many other states – and local municipalities – are similarly focused on vehicle safety.”

Companies have incorporated technological developments, like alert systems and cameras, to create a safer working environment for waste workers. Now that it’s getting warmer out, you will see companies and regulators increasing awareness on the signs and symptoms of heat stress, as well as ways to avoid heat-related illnesses,” he noted. As such, I think compliance assistance and awareness programs can be very effective. Employers are generally motivated to provide their employees safe working conditions and often all they need is some assistance in identifying and mitigating risks. Municipalities focus on their priorities of their voters. Nobody wants workers injured on the job, and if voters are observing unsafe operating or working conditions, they will make themselves heard,” Wayne stated.

To read the full article, please click here.