IAPP Privacy Security Risk 2024


September 23 – 24, 2024

Partner Alysa Hutnik will speak at IAPP’s Privacy Security Risk 2024 Conference on the topics: Connecting the Dots on De-ID, Sensitive Data, and Analytical Inferences” and Do Not Be That Company: How to Navigate the CPPA and ICO Enforcement Process.”

Connecting the Dots on De-ID, Sensitive Data, and Analytical Inferences
Monday, September 23, 2024
8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

This panel will pull from science, law, and industry standards to understand problems and how deidentification and rendering data non-sensitive can mitigate privacy risks from sensitive inferences.

What you will learn:

• The privacy risks of sensitive inferences and the roles of deidentification and rendering data non-sensitive in mitigating those risks.

• Practical tips on implementing deidentification techniques.

• The role of information science and mathematics in shaping data protection policy and practices.

Do Not Be That Company: How to Navigate the CPPA and ICO Enforcement Process
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

This panel will discuss the typical timeline, important events and decisions that occur along the way, tactical considerations for both the government and defense, and highlight factors that can either help or exacerbate a pending investigation. The panelists also will discuss best practices for interacting with regulators, and practical considerations when faced with an investigation.

If you attend either of these sessions or see Alysa at the conference, please stop and say hi!

Register Here.