12th Annual Legal, Regulatory and Compliance Forum on Dietary Supplements

Health Claims Substantiation in the Aftermath of Last Year’s FTC Guidance: Lessons Learned from Major Cases, FTC Actions, and CRN Advocacy in the Past Year.

June 26, 2024 from 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm (EDT)

Partner Jeff Castello will be provide insights from his recent trial experience for a leading supplement marketer. Jeff will join a panel, Dietary Supplements Health Claims Substantiation in the Aftermath of Last Year’s FTC Guidance: Lessons Learned from Major Cases, FTC Actions, and CRN Advocacy in the Past Year. Jeff will present with Susan Hewlings, the Vice President of Research Affairs at Radicle Science. The discussion will cover the latest developments impacting substantiation of health claims, the recent Quincy verdict, the evolution of clinical trial practices, and the relevancy of IP protection in these types of matters.

If you would like to join Jeff, Register here.