Steven W Schlesinger


New York
Phone number
(212) 808-7740

Steven W Schlesinger focuses his practice on litigation. Steven has managed various stages of complex litigation matters, including appeals, motions to dismiss, and discovery phases. He also focuses on legal developments in intellectual property and cryptocurrency.

Steven has an active pro bono practice comprising of immigration asylum representations. Most recently, he was a member of team that secured a grant of asylum for an El Salvadoran refugee fleeing lifelong violence due to sexual orientation. The five year-long case faced multiple shifts in venue, among other complicated procedural matters.

Team member representing a financial institution in a long-disputed antitrust action that resulted in a complete victory and dismissal of claims.

Team member representing a commercial real estate company in a breach of contract lawsuit regarding a claimed investment banking fee, and separately in connection with pursuing remedies relating to a defaulted mezzanine loan, resulting in summary judgment against the debtor.

Team member representing a client in litigation concerning a commercial dispute over company ownership and control.

Team member representing cosmetic industry client in a manufacturing contract dispute.

Team member representing a generic pharmaceutical company in products liability cases involving ranitidine throughout the U.S.

During law school, Steven was a law student counselor for Fordham Law’s Samuel-Glushko Intellectual Property and Information Law Clinic.

Mentoring Youth Through Legal Education (MYLE), constitutional law debate coach

Pay It Forward Life, altruistic umbrella distribution network, founder